
Pursuing research for policy change

Laura Rambo studies the economic impact of 1980s-90s rural prison construction.

Supporting first-gen students through NavCal

Mac is in an office meeting with University members.

As a transfer and re-entry student, Mac started a new campus program (NavCal) to support first gen students.

Uncovering the legacy of Black Wall Street

Ockemia Bean's historical research on Black Wall Street

Ockemia's research on Black Wall Street explores perceptions of black wealth.

Fostering community with service and education

Rosa and Pablo co-founded an Alternative Spring Break community project and DeCal on Puerto Rico.

Highlighting Berkeley's Black cultural center

Tessa looking for books in the library.

Tessa has carried out groundbreaking research on Berkeley's historic Black cultural center, Rainbow Sign.

Exploring cultural identity through poetry

Samba Kane Screenshot

Samba is researching the cultural identity of the Fula people in the valley of the Senegal River.

Building a health education initiative

nilafur smiling

Nilufar co-founded a health initiative by and for Afghans.

Studying resilience in microscopic creatures

De'Jenae' researches tardigrades for their ability to withstand environmental stressors.