Liberal Arts

Eco-friendly marketing strategies for Gen Z

Amrita’s team designed strategies to market eco-friendly products to Gen Z and millennial consumers.

Innovating reproductive healthcare design

Grace Schimmel Still Cut

Grace's thesis explores future reproductive healthcare for women through the built environment.

Artistic permissions and cultural exchange

Helen Pinto Screenshot

Helen is researching images and image use permission of works by Neapolitan artist Jusepe de Ribera.

Environmental justice through documentary film

Jed Lee’s first documentary highlights the Richmond Greenway's community revitalization.

Pursuing research for policy change

Laura Rambo studies the economic impact of 1980s-90s rural prison construction.

From biology to anthropology

Nika developed a passion for historical collections in a freshman seminar at the Hearst Museum.

Supporting first-gen students through NavCal

Mac is in an office meeting with University members.

As a transfer and re-entry student, Mac started a new campus program (NavCal) to support first gen students.

Uncovering the legacy of Black Wall Street

Ockemia Bean's historical research on Black Wall Street

Ockemia's research on Black Wall Street explores perceptions of black wealth.

Fostering community with service and education

Rosa and Pablo co-founded an Alternative Spring Break community project and DeCal on Puerto Rico.

Documenting COVID-19's varied impacts

Riya and Era created a documentary highlighting the coronavirus's impact on different communities.