College of Chemistry


Web page version of the Chemistry major map

Chemical Engineering

Web page version of the Chemical Engineering major map

Chemical Biology

Web page version of the Chemical Biology major map

Interdisciplinary Design + Linguistics

nilafur smiling

Adam started a company that sits at the confluence of design, sustainability, linguistic science, and accessibility.

Building a health education initiative

nilafur smiling

Nilufar co-founded a health initiative by and for Afghans.

See the Rainbow

Tessa looking for books in the library.

Tessa's has carried out groundbreaking research on Berkeley's historic Black cultural center, Rainbow Sign. Hear her story.

Bacteria Immunity

Peter working in the lab.

Peter is a College of Chemistry student researching cholera prevention.

Recording Revitalization

CNR senior Jed Lee has made his first documentary film telling the story of the community revitalization of the Richmond Greenway.

Navigating Cal

Mac is in an office meeting with University members.

As a transfer and re-entry student, Mac started a new campus program (NavCal) to support first gen students.

Native Stories Onstage

Drew sits in a circle on a stage with other people.

For his senior project in TDPS, Drew is writing and directing his first play.