Integrative Biology

Building Inclusivity and Community

The implementation of Discovery practices across the Integrative Biology curriculum has been one of the largest rollouts of the Trailblazer’s program, infusing Discovery practices across several courses and even recruiting a dedicated postdoc whose work focused on this curricular innovation. The IB Discovery Project had extensive reach to 18 courses and over 5,500 students.  

  • Reach: 5,686 students, with continued impact each year to 2,435 students through 18 courses.

  • Models on-ramping that presents guidance on skills such as use of equipment, experimental design, and writing and presentation of scientific papers, that are not traditionally taught in “cook-book” style courses

  • Institutionalized anti-racist research and pedagogy through the implementation of a new course and cross-curriculum reform.

  • Apprenticeship learning through structured laboratory experiences was exemplified, accelerating the path to the production of original discoveries.

  • Bi-directional feedback through student “Lecture Question” submissions (student to mentor) and situated learning assessment techniques (mentor to student) where students take the position of a scientist defending their own research.

  • Large scale assessment of teaching practices and student learning outcomes.

Four students smile at the camera while holding a green material. The same green material, a textbook, a phone, papers, pens, clips, and isopropyl alcohol are spread out over a worktable to the right.
students in the woods holding a snake

Additional Resources

Discovery Trailblazers Integrative Biology