Mentorship & Networking

Discover Campus Resources For Mentorship & Networking

Explore the resources below for support in engaging in and building skill sets for mentorship and networking.

Where to Find Mentorship & Networking Opportunities:

  • Berkeley Connect: Mentorship courses led by graduate students for undergraduates in different majors and year levels with a focus on belonging. 
  • UROC: Student-led organization supporting marginalized undergraduate students in getting involved in research. 
  • Cal Nerds: Student center providing mentorship and training for underserved STEM students.  
  • NavCal: Mentorship fellowship program supporting incoming nontraditional students in navigating UC Berkeley.  
  • UndocuScholars: Mentorship program led by undocumented UC Berkeley students for high school seniors and transfer students. 

Where to Get Support For:

Mentorship at Cal
Berkeley Connect