
Undergraduate Program

Introduction to the Major

Statisticians help to design data collection plans, analyze data appropriately, and interpret and draw conclusions from their analyses. The Statisticsmajor provides a systematic and thorough grounding in applied and theoretical statistics as well as probability. The UC Berkeley Statistics department has particular strength in Machine Learning, a key ingredient of the emerging field of Data Science. Our department excels at interdisciplinary science. A Statistics degree from Berkeley is excellent preparation for a career in science or industry, or for further academic study in a wide variety of fields.

What You Will Learn

Collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data is growing more important every year in nearly every field. Whether you go into business, academia, medicine, journalism, activism, or government, claims about data will profoundly influence your career and the world around you. The Statistics major helps students develop:

  • Strong mathematical and critical thinking skills

  • The ability to formulate real-world questions quantitatively

  • Creative thinking for new kinds of problems

  • Computing skills

  • Communication and visualization skills

Amplify Your Major

Statistics has the perfect mix of theory and application, and allows me to approach and solve real world problems.
Statistics and French Double Major Alum

Four-Year Student Timeline

First Year

Explore Your Major

Connect and Build Community

Discover Your Passions

Engage Locally and Globally

Reflect and Plan Your Future

Second Year

Explore Your Major

Connect and Build Community

  • Consider becoming a Reader, Tutor or Lab Assistant for the Statistics Department. 
  • Join SUSA and SAAS to connect with Statistics majors. 
  • Engage in individual discussions with professors during office hours.

Discover Your Passions

Engage Locally and Globally

Reflect and Plan Your Future

Third Year

Explore Your Major

Connect and Build Community

  • Join campus organizations like the Cal Actuarial League or Data Science Society
  • Connect with student government and co-curricular activities through the LEAD Center
  • Gain valuable teaching experience by becoming a Statistics Undergraduate Student Instructor.

Discover Your Passions

Engage Locally and Globally

Reflect and Plan Your Future

Fourth Year

Explore Your Major

  • Confirm university, campus, and L&S requirements by checking your Academic Progress Report
  • Meet with your major advisor to verify completion of major requirements.
  • To graduate with honors, enroll in STAT H195 and write a senior honor thesis.

Connect and Build Community

Discover Your Passions

Engage Locally and Globally

  • Explore gap year opportunities prior to your next adventure.
  • Apply for a postgraduate fellowship
  • Go on service trips over spring or winter break with the Alternative Breaks program.

Reflect and Plan Your Future

What Can I Do With My Major?

Jobs and Employers

  • Actuarial Analyst, Fidelity
  • Business Tech. Consultant, Deloitte
  • Bioinformatics Programmer, UCSF
  • Business Analyst, Wells Fargo Bank
  • Consultant, Applied Predictive Tech. 
  • Credit Analyst, Standard & Poor’s
  • Data Analyst, Golden State Warriors
  • Data Scientist, Capital Group
  • Developer, SAP
  • Financial Analyst, Abbott Labs.
  • Product Technician, Esurance
  • Quant. Software Engineer, Two Sigma
  • Researcher, Stanford University
  • Software Engineer, Intuit
  • Staff Advisor, Ernst and Young LLP
  • Underwriting Analyst, AIG

Graduate Programs

  • Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
  • Business Administration
  • Computational Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Data Science
  • Economics
  • Financial Engineering
  • Investments and Securities
  • Management Science and Engineering
  • Neurobiology
  • Physics
  • Quantitative Psychology
  • Statistics

Examples gathered from the First Destination Survey of recent Berkeley graduates.

Learn More

Connect With Us

Cal Day

Come to Berkeley’s annual Open House in April for information sessions, campus tours, special talks, and more.

Golden Bear Orientation

Attend a Statistics info session during the new student orientation week at the start of your Berkeley studies.


Join the Happenings Mailing List to receive information about career fairs, jobs, and events related to the field of statistics.


Staff advisors are available for advising and to assist with enrollment issues during remote drop-in hours and either remote or in-person appointments. Refer to Check in at the Statistics Front Office in 367 Evans Hall (3rd Floor) for in-person appointments. 

For quick advising questions, email

For enrollment issues, email

How to Use this Map

Use this map to help plan and guide your experience at UC Berkeley, including academic, co-curricular, and discovery opportunities. Everyone’s Berkeley experience is different and activities in this map are suggestions. Always consult with your advisors whenever possible for new opportunities and updates.