Discover Research

Highlighting Berkeley's Black cultural center

Tessa looking for books in the library.

Tessa has carried out groundbreaking research on Berkeley's historic Black cultural center, Rainbow Sign.

Exploring cultural identity through poetry

Samba Kane Screenshot

Samba is researching the cultural identity of the Fula people in the valley of the Senegal River.

Connecting with the scientific community

Peter working in the lab.

Peter is a College of Chemistry student researching cholera prevention.

Building a health education initiative

nilafur smiling

Nilufar co-founded a health initiative by and for Afghans.

From clubs to opening career doors

Lekha became Engineering Director for CalSol, the UC Berkeley solar vehicle team.

Blending analog and digital in original music

Gabriel Sarnoff Screnshot

Gabe explores the intersection of analog and digital sound through the composition of original music.

Studying resilience in microscopic creatures

De'Jenae' researches tardigrades for their ability to withstand environmental stressors.

Preserving California's native oak species

Chris is examining the population genetics of an oak species native to California.