Research Projects

Getting Started in Research Projects

Cal provides a variety of research opportunities for undergraduate students:

What is research?

  • Creative exploration that charts a pathway to discovering new knowledge–a process that is marked by self-generated questions that address gaps or shortcomings in the field

  • An open-ended search for significance that is given a structure, scope, and sequence by methodical engagement with objects of inquiry and scholarly literature

Why do research?

  • An opportunity to personalize learning that takes place in the classroom and ground it in your own vision and worldview

  • A way to connect your academic studies to your extracurricular activities and social commitments–to find a through line that gives purpose and intentionality to your education

  • To learn who you are as a thinker and test out your aptitudes and discover where your interests truly lie

  • To hone skills (critical thinking, creative problem solving, risk taking, resilience and persistence) that matter in today’s job market and the pursuit of advanced study

How do undergraduates at UCB get involved in research?

Although research can start in coursework, particularly seminars, being at a research university like Cal, gives undergraduates the opportunity to directly participate in the production of new knowledge–to develop as thought pioneers in various fields.

  • Become a research assistant with faculty and graduate student led research projects through programs such as URAP, Biology Scholars, and SMART

  • Juniors and seniors may propose an independent research project of their own design and apply for funding from programs like SURF, Cal NERDS and Haas Scholars

How do you get started in research?