Ancient Greek and Roman Studies

Undergraduate Program

Introduction to the Major

The Ancient Greek and Roman Studies (AGRS) major is an opportunity to explore Mediterranean antiquity in the company of a diverse cohort of undergraduates. AGRS professors are renowned for innovative scholarship and dedication to undergraduate teaching. Students explore multiple disciplines within the ancient Mediterranean world including archaeology, literature, philosophy, and many more. The major can be completed in English or include the study of Greek and/or Latin language. Students develop their own personalized program of study in close consultation with our advising team.

The AGRS Community 

Being a part of AGRS is to be connected with a community at Berkeley and beyond:

  • AGRS hosts gatherings and lectures.
  • Our student club, The Classical Forum, connects students from multiple majors.
  • Our advising team includes a professional advisor and two faculty advisors. Students have support in course planning, student life, career exploration, and navigating the university.
  • Get to know our graduate students who lead discussion sections and teach some language courses. Learn directly about graduate education.

Amplify Your Major

Classics [now AGRS] courses push you to explore, be creative, and interpret….Also, they have the best professors.
Jake Quinn, Classics Alumnus

Four-Year Student Timeline

First Year

Explore Your Major

  • Take a Freshman Seminar with an Ancient Greek and Roman Studies (AGRS) professor.
  • Meet with your major and college advisor to discuss your academic plans.
  • Enroll in AGRS 10A or 10B (Greek or Roman civilization) or AGRS 17A or 17B (Greek or Roman archaeology).

Connect and Build Community

Discover Your Passions

Engage Locally and Globally

Reflect and Plan Your Future

Second Year

Explore Your Major

  • Declare the AGRS major.
  • Take an upper division AGRS class such as “The History of Hell,” “The Roman Economy,” or “The Trojan War: History or Myth.”
  • Look into Berkeley Study Abroad.

Connect and Build Community

Discover Your Passions

Engage Locally and Globally

Reflect and Plan Your Future

Third Year

Explore Your Major

Connect and Build Community

Discover Your Passions

Engage Locally and Globally

  • Volunteer to represent AGRS at an event.
  • Study and intern in government with UCDC or Cal in the Capital.
  • Apply for a department travel award to support study, travel, or excavation abroad.

Reflect and Plan Your Future

Fourth Year

Explore Your Major

Connect and Build Community

Discover Your Passions

Engage Locally and Globally

Reflect and Plan Your Future

What Can I Do With My Major?

Students majoring in Ancient Greek and Roman Studies acquire the skills and develop the discipline to succeed in graduate study as well as many different fields, including business, law, tech, and education.

Jobs and Employers

  • LADWP - Electrical Engineering Assoc.
  • Pixar - Systems Analyst
  • UCLA - Graduate Teaching Fellow

Graduate Programs

  • Art and Archae., PhD - Columbia Univ.
  • Classics, PhD - UCSB
  • Philosophy, PhD - UCLA
  • Philosophy, PhD - Brown Univ.

Examples gathered from the First Destination Survey of recent Berkeley graduates.

Learn More

Connect With Us

Cal Day

Come to Berkeley’s annual Open House in April. AGRS hosts an information table with current students and faculty. There is an AGRS presentation as well.

Golden Bear Orientation

Join your peers in the campus-wide UC Berkeley orientation program for all new students. Attend an AGRS event to explore the major.


AGRS has special events and lectures throughout the year. Check out and sign up for our mailing list to be notified.


Meet with Undergraduate Advisor Cassandra Dunn:

How to Use this Map

Use this map to help plan and guide your experience at UC Berkeley, including academic, co-curricular, and discovery opportunities. Everyone’s Berkeley experience is different and activities in this map are suggestions. Always consult with your advisors whenever possible for new opportunities and updates.