What's new at UC Berkeley this semester? Here's a glimpse.

August 23, 2023

Some of the newness comes in pairs: two undergrad majors, two 100th birthdays and a major scholarship for two.

An undergraduate-only literary journal, scholarships for sub-Saharan refugees, the debut of two undergraduate majors, centennials for California Memorial Stadium and the Department of Art Practice, a wider audience for Berkeley’s African language courses, and automated devices that dispense free games and mini manicures are among what’s new at UC Berkeley as fall semester 2023 gets underway.

Instruction begins today for most Berkeley students, who also are discovering several major campus construction projects in the works, from new housing for transfer and graduate students to a hub for engineering students to a home for the College of Computing, Data Science, and Society.

While the six-day Golden Bear Orientation, Move-In Days, New Student Convocation, Caltopia and the first-ever DormDash on Lower Sproul Plaza are over, tomorrow is Calapalooza, a bi-annual fair on Upper Sproul Plaza where students can learn about the more than 1,200 registered student organizations, 60 sororities and fraternities and student government groups at Berkeley.

Undergraduates looking for research, internship, entrepreneurship, public service and study abroad opportunities can explore a newly-launched database — the Discovery Opportunities Database — that’s part of Berkeley Discovery, an initiative to help all students experience journeys of discovery during their Berkeley years.

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