
Undergraduate Program

Introduction to the Major

The French major opens the door to understanding the language and cultural production of France and the French-speaking world. Majors advance their oral and written competency in French through studies of linguistics, translation, film, and literature. Courses in the French department emphasize the ties between language and the arts on the one hand and history, politics, race, and gender on the other. Students of French bring the insights developed through contact with this famously rich culture to a critical appreciation of their own.

Who Studies French 

The French major interests students desiring a general humanistic education based on the language and literature of the French-speaking world; students planning to teach French at the elementary or secondary level; students who intend to pursue graduate work in preparation for teaching and research at the college level; and students preparing for careers in law, business, public health, public policy, or government service.

Amplify Your Major

The analytical and critical thinking skills I acquired studying French have helped me across varied workplaces and different countries.
Maria Jelvis, French alumna

Four-Year Student Timeline

First Year

Explore Your Major

Connect and Build Community

Discover Your Passions

Engage Locally and Globally

Reflect and Plan Your Future

Second Year

Explore Your Major

Connect and Build Community

  • Join a French cultural student organization such as Le Cercle Francais of Berkeley.

  • Get to know professors and graduate student instructors during their office hours.

  • Enroll in FRENCH 197 to become a French tutor.

  • Attend guest lectures in the department.

Discover Your Passions

Engage Locally and Globally

Reflect and Plan Your Future

Third Year

Explore Your Major

Connect and Build Community

Discover Your Passions

Engage Locally and Globally

Reflect and Plan Your Future

Fourth Year

Explore Your Major

Connect and Build Community

Discover Your Passions

Engage Locally and Globally

Reflect and Plan Your Future

  • Ask professors and graduate student instructors for recommendation letters.

  • Apply to jobs, graduate school, and other opportunities.

  • Join the French Department LinkedIn network to connect with French alumni.

What Can I Do With My Major?

Jobs and Employers

  • Advancement Assoc., French Intl. School

  • Annual Fund Supervisor, L.A. Opera

  • Communications Specialist, UN Women

  • Computational Linguist, MITRE

  • Content Manager, Air France

  • Executive Briefing Manager, Oracle

  • Interpreter, Cordon Bleu, Paris

  • Invest. Banking Analyst, Goldman Sachs 

  • Lawyer

  • Marketing Specialist

  • Philanthropy Specialist, Mercy Foundation

  • Physician

  • Planning Assoc., City of Los Angeles

  • Public Health Professional

  • PR Coordinator, Yerba Buena Center

  • Research Asst., MD Anderson Cancer Ctr.

  • Software Engineer, Amazon, Yelp

  • Teaching Assistant, Teaching Asst. Pgm. France

  • Technical Recruiter, Bloomberg

  • Translator, United Nations

Graduate Programs

  • Business, Masters

  • Art History, PhD

  • French, Masters and/or PhD

  • Intl. Public Management, Masters

  • Law, JD

  • Linguistics, PhD

  • Medicine, MD

  • Public Health, Masters

  • Public Policy, Masters

  • Secondary Educ. & Teaching, Masters

Examples gathered from the July 2019 French Department LinkedIn network and the First Destination Survey of recent Berkeley graduates.

Learn More

Connect With Us

Cal Day

Come to Berkeley’s annual Open House in April for information sessions, campus tours, special talks, and more. Attend a sample French class and lecture by French faculty, and talk to students who share your enthusiasm for French.

Golden Bear Orientation

Join your peers in the campus-wide UC Berkeley orientation program for all new students. Ask the French Academic Adviser about your first/next step in French.


Attend department events with students, staff, and faculty. Visit for news and updates or email and ask to receive department email announcements.


Students can drop in to 4118 Dwinelle Hall to speak with the French Undergraduate Academic Advisor or email questions to You can also schedule an appointment to meet with the advisor or call (510) 982-6181.

Advising Drop-In Hours

Tuesday - Thursday, 9am-12pm, 1-4pm

How to Use this Map

Use this map to help plan and guide your experience at UC Berkeley, including academic, co-curricular, and discovery opportunities. Everyone’s Berkeley experience is different and activities in this map are suggestions. Always consult with your advisors whenever possible for new opportunities and updates.