Environmental Economics and Policy

Undergraduate Program

Introduction to the Major

The Environmental Economics and Policy (EEP) major offers students the opportunity to explore aspects of economic and political institutions that affect the development and management of natural resources and the environment. The program takes a problem-solving approach to issues involving renewable and fixed natural resources, and it is based on a foundation in micro-economic theory and the economics of resources and the environment.

The EEP major is open for students to declare in  the Rausser College of Natural Resources (B.S.). Undergraduates applying for the major program should be strong in mathematics and have an interest in statistics and mathematical modeling.

Structure of the EEP Major 

The core requirement for the major is micro-economic theory and econometrics. These core courses are supplemented by other courses that apply the methods of social science to resource problems.

The major supplies training in basic mathematics, statistics and economics to be able to approach resource-related issues in an effective and practical manner.

Amplify Your Major

What I like most about EEP is the relationships I’ve developed with professors, not only in the classrooms but through research as well.
Caitlin Crooks

Four-Year Student Timeline

First Year

Explore Your Major

Connect and Build Community

  • Take advantage of the college’s Student Resource Center

  • Get to know the college’s peer advisors

  • Get to know professors and graduate student instructors during their office hours.

Discover Your Passions

Engage Locally and Globally

Reflect and Plan Your Future

Second Year

Explore Your Major

Connect and Build Community

Discover Your Passions

  • Attend a poster sessionhosted by the Office of Student Affairs to check out research completed by your peers.

  • Visit faculty during office hours to learn more about their research and opportunities for collaboration.

  • Follow a Course Thread of your interest.

Engage Locally and Globally

Reflect and Plan Your Future

Third Year

Explore Your Major

  • Explore possible elective courses—ask your major advisor about approved electives from outside departments.

  • See if you qualify for the honors program, which is a great opportunity to do research.

Connect and Build Community

  • Help other students as a Rausser College Peer Advisor

  • Network with faculty and graduate student instructors to find a mentor who is conducting research on a topic that interests you.

Discover Your Passions

  • If eligible, apply to the Rausser College Honors Program to pursue a year-long independent research project under the guidance of a faculty member.

  • Apply for funding in order to initiate your own project through SPUR.

  • Apply for a new SPUR project or URAP.

Engage Locally and Globally

  • Apply for a Rausser College Travel Grant to fund travel for academic conferences or research.

  • If interested in environmental policy, look into UCDC in Washington, D.C.

  • Consider the Alternative Breaks program to go on service trips over spring or winter break.

Reflect and Plan Your Future

  • Applying to grad school? Take GRE/LSATs over the summer and start asking for recommendation letters.

  • Research potential graduate programs.

Fourth Year

Explore Your Major

  • Finish up any remaining core requirements and electives.

Connect and Build Community

  • Reach out to graduate student instructors who can offer guidance about post-graduation opportunities and serve as mentors.

  • Become a Golden Bear Orientation Leader and welcome new students to UC Berkeley.

Discover Your Passions

Engage Locally and Globally

Reflect and Plan Your Future

What Can I Do With My Major?

Jobs and Employers

  • Analyst, Salesforce

  • Auditor, KPMG

  • Business Analyst, Maximus

  • Business Analyst, PG&E

  • Business Dev. Consultant, Oracle

  • Financial Analyst, KLA-Tencor

  • Finance Associate, Capital Group

  • Marketing Specialist, ByteDance

  • Program Coordinator, Berkeley Exec. Educ.

  • Recruiting Coordinator, Cruise

  • Recruiting Coordinator, Pinterest

  • Tax Associate, ACG CPA

  • Technical Recruiter, Crystal Equation

Graduate Programs

  • Applied Economics

  • Law

  • Management Science 

Examples gathered from the First Destination Survey of recent Berkeley graduates.

Learn More

Connect With Us

Cal Day 

Come to Berkeley’s annual Open House in April for information sessions, campus tours, special talks, and more.

Golden Bear Orientation 

Join other students in the major for new student orientation before the start of your Berkeley studies.


Attend department events with students, staff, and faculty. Visit are.berkeley.edu for news and updates. 


The Undergraduate Advisors for all Rausser College majors are located in the Office of Instruction and Student Affairs in 260 Mulford Hall. 

Visit nature.berkeley.edu/advising/meet-rausser-advisors for detailed office hours and appointment booking links. You may email general advising questions to eep.ugrad@berkeley.edu

How to Use this Map

Use this map to help plan and guide your experience at UC Berkeley, including academic, co-curricular, and discovery opportunities. Everyone’s Berkeley experience is different and activities in this map are suggestions. Always consult with your advisors whenever possible for new opportunities and updates.