Physics & Astronomy

Combining Mentorship with Inductive Reasoning

Funded 2021-24

Cross-department collaboration was exemplified by the Physics and Astronomy departments. Their entire cohort for three years, totaling 801 students during the academic years between 2021-2024, was impacted through several courses and a tiered mentorship tutoring program. Together, these departments established an official elective course, C101 Order-of-Magnitude Physics, that provides students the intuition to ask and answer well-posed mathematical questions in any topic of the physical sciences, from the biomechanics of flying to the quantum mechanics of semiconductors. 

  • Reach: 801 + 150 new students every year.
  • Program sustainability beyond grant term: two courses and multiple autonomous student-run courses that enforce the thinking skills required for real-world applications and under-the-hood intuition. Major laboratory equipment upgrades.
  • A robust peer mentoring program through the establishment of the Student Learning Center and student-run DeCal courses, modeling scalable provisions of one-on-one guidance that students need.
  • Cross-department collaboration and a tight intra-department community was built in Physics and Astronomy among cohorts, mentors, faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates.
Student wearing green sweater and lab goggles works on a machine while a professor and another student wearing lab goggles stand by.

The Growth of Peer Tutoring in Astronomy/Physics at UC Berkeley

The Peer Tutor Program

Our Peer Tutor program for Physics & Astronomy was initiated under Discovery and has grown tremendously. We selected by competitive application 17 Physics and Astronomy majors in Fall 2022, and 17 in Spring 2023, to serve as Tutors across our entire lower-division and upper-division majors curriculum. The Peer Tutor program is a 3-way partnership between our Discover faculty and staff who recruit and select the Tutors; the MPS Dean who provides TAS funding to pay them hourly wages; and the Student Learning Center (SLC) who onboard and train the Tutors in best pedagogic practices. The Tutor program is a win-win combination: not only do the students who come to see the Tutors benefit, but the Tutors themselves deepen their understanding of the material by teaching it.

The figure at right charts Peer Tutor usage rates since the inception of the program. Each sign-in (blue) represents one student coming to see one Peer Tutor for help.  Many of the students who come for help come more than once. Unique student IDs are marked in red. In fall 2021, there were almost 500 visits, gowing to almost 1500 visits by spring 2023 semester. The number of unique students who used peer tutoring grew from about 150 to about 300 by spring 2023. For reference, there are a total of ~100 Astrophysics majors and ~500 Physics majors at Berkeley.

Chart showing the increase in peer tutor engagement in the Astronomy/Physics Course

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Student Quotes

Peer tutors were super helpful, especially since they had taken the class before
Physics Student
There are too few GSIs to help all of the students in the lab, so the 2 undergraduate peer tutors really ensured that more people got the help they needed. Definitely hire more peer tutors!
Physics Student