Resources for URM, First Gen, and Transfer students

Discovery Resources for Underrepresented Minority (URM), First Gen, and Transfer Students

When we as staff speak with transfer students, URM and first gen students about Discovery experiences, keep in mind the important discussion topics below. Included are some campus resource links that support these areas of student experience - not an exhaustive list.

Additionally, the Discovery Staff Council believes it is important for all of us, as staff, to think about: What power do we have as staff to restructure how we present and, in some cases, administer, Discovery opportunities and summer opportunities? How might we influence policy changes that help reduce barriers that currently exclude or deter these student populations from program participation?

  • Mentoring: Consider what additional advising offices or loci of support could be of use to students as they seek out project mentors and relevant opportunities. Discuss with students how to effectively find project mentors.