College of Computing, Data Science, & Society

Computer Science

Web page version of the Computer Science major map

Data Science

Web page version of the Data Science major map.

Building a health education initiative

nilafur smiling

Nilufar co-founded a health initiative by and for Afghans.

What's new at UC Berkeley this semester? Here's a glimpse.

August 23, 2023

Some of the newness comes in pairs: two undergrad majors, two 100th birthdays and a major scholarship for two.

An undergraduate-only literary journal, scholarships for sub-Saharan refugees, the debut of two undergraduate majors, centennials for California Memorial Stadium and the Department of Art Practice, a wider audience for Berkeley’s African language courses, and automated devices that dispense free games and mini manicures are among what’s new at UC Berkeley as fall semester 2023 gets underway.

Instruction begins today for most Berkeley students, who also are...

Recording Revitalization

CNR senior Jed Lee has made his first documentary film telling the story of the community revitalization of the Richmond Greenway.

Navigating Cal

Mac is in an office meeting with University members.

As a transfer and re-entry student, Mac started a new campus program (NavCal) to support first gen students.

Pandemic Disparities

Riya and Era are creating a documentary on the coronavirus in Berkeley to highlight the impact on different communities.

Lost to found

Johnny founded Connect@Cal to help students find the campus resources they need

Puerto Rican solidarity

Rosa and Pablo co-founded an Alternative Spring Break community project and DeCal on Puerto Rico.

Visualizing sound

Janaki and Revekka posing for a picture

Janaki and Revekka teamed up to build Vibrato, an augmented musical experience for Deaf / Hard of Hearing individuals.